Some Face Procedures Can Drastically Improve The Look Of Man’s Face

Some Face Procedures Can Drastically Improve The Look Of Man’s Face

Sagging skin, wrinkles, deep folds, is something that both men and women are dealing with while they age. Reducing these signs is not easy, but if you find an experienced and qualified doctor, things can change a lot. Cosmetic procedures can offer different solutions depending on the issue that you would like to fix.

Popular procedures:

  • Rhinoplasty

This procedure is also known as a nose job. Many men have undergone rhinoplasty procedure, as they were unsatisfied with the look of their nose, or they have some issues such as deviated septum. Men who have had undergone effective rhinoplasty Sydney with Dr Hodgkinson are very satisfied with the results, and their breathing issues are eliminated.

Rhinoplasty is a common procedure for men

Male rhinoplasty is designed to create your nose more proportional with the rest of your face, maintaining the manly look. The surgeon will take some measurements, before the procedure, and he will ask you what kind of look you would like to achieve. You can ask to see some before and after photos, which will give you a clearer picture of possible results.

  • Facelift procedure

The facelift procedure is the most effective surgical procedure when it comes to reducing and eliminating aging signs. It is a quite invasive procedure, but results can last for 10 years. During the procedure, the doctor is tightening the skin, cutting the excess parts of it, while some fat tissue is removed and other repositioned. Muscles and other tissue are tightened, and your skin is stretched over it.

  • Eyelid procedure

One downsize of the facelift procedure, is that it can’t correct upper and lower eyelids. Eyelid procedure has to be added if you want to fix the areas around your eyes. Some people are unsatisfied with just upper or just lower eyelids, and of course, you can do just one of these two procedures, or you can undergo just the eyelid procedure without a facelift.

When people decide to undergo upper eyelid procedure, they want to eliminate sagging skin and excess fat tissue. This is what the upper eyelid procedure is doing. Your eyes will become wider, and your vision will be improved, as there is no more sagging skin that will block the part of it.

Eyelid procedure will change your facial expression

As for the lower eyelid, people are usually undergoing eye bag removal surgery according to Dr Hodgkinson. While removing these small amounts of fat tissue under the eyes, your skin will be tighter and your eyes will get a younger look. Lower eyelid procedure will also reduce some other aging signs, such as wrinkles and fine lines around your eyes.

Final word

These are some of the cosmetic procedures that can achieve amazing anti-aging results. When it comes to efficiency, these procedures are on the top of the list, but if you are not ready for surgery, you can undergo some minimally invasive procedures, such as thread lift, or even non-invasive procedures if you want mildly improvements.